Alison Maunder

The role of naturopathy in the management of women with diminished ovarian reserve

Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) is the loss of normal reproductive potential in the ovaries due to a lower count or quality of the remaining eggs. DOR is a growing issue for fertility as couples delay their child-bearing years which can directly reduce reproductive potential of women with DOR. Optimal management of DOR remains unclear with no significantly beneficial medical interventions being proposed. Despite high use of naturopathy by women seeking pregnancy, there is very limited evidence for the efficacy and safety of naturopathy for women with DOR.

Alison's PhD research project will investigate the use of naturopaths by women with DOR and their experiences, the treatment patterns of naturopaths in their management of women with DOR, and finally, the effectiveness and safety of a naturopathic treatment option for women with DOR.


Dr Carolyn Ee, Dr Mike Armour, Dr Susan Arentz

Funded by the NICM HRI and Jacka Foundation of Natural Therapies Scholarship Program